an Audit Inspection, Evidence Capturing & Reporting Platform

for teams in Manufacturing Industries, Large Service Organizations & Hospitality Domains.

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Streamline unorganized Audits
Collect and Report Evidence for deviations
Get One Single View for the entire Auditing Process
Scale easily without any human dependency
Adopt Technology effortlessly

Streamline and Simplify your Audits
with AuditAum

Audit Management

Plan your Audits smoothly in an effortless manner. All tasks made simple and easy, right from scheduling the day, deciding the workforce, creating the checklist and deducing the analysis.

Audit Reporting

Generate the audit reports and observations through a single click made easy with innovative technology. These reports are easy to analyse and even share within the concerned stakeholders.

Insights & Analytics

Get access to intuitive dashboards and reports that provide great insights. Analyse the Audits more accurately and accordingly plan corrective actions.


AuditAum manages numerous audits across different locations of your company, on one single platform, at one single click.

Recurring/ Planned and Ad Hoc Audits

AuditAum helps to schedule Recurring as well as AdHoc Audits depending on the requirements as & when they arise.


Quick Inspection & Reporting

AuditAum fast-tracks the collection of evidences and reporting of the observations after inspections with no time delays.

Customized Checklists

AuditAum provides configurable audit checklist interface. Create & define your own customized checklists as per your organization needs.

Highlighting Feature

AuditAum ChatBot

Conduct Audits in A Seamless & Interactive Way

The AuditAum Bot, a chat based interface, enables Auditors update their observations & responses seamlessly, in the real time.

Make Audit Easy Going

Experience How it Works!


Our Team

Team of Passionate Professionals


Madan B

AuditAum Steerer


Archana K

AuditAum Implementor


Jayendra J

AuditAum Mentor

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P: (91) 99 23 10 69 78

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